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Hello there!

My name is Jake and I am an innovative and creative professional on a “Mission from GAHD” (Blues Brothers 1980) to help others heal from IBS & IBD and get their life back.

I am:

  • Ulcerative Colitis Champion
  • Artist
  • World Traveler
  • Certified Plant-Based Home Chef
  • Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition
  • Movie Quote Extraordinaire
How I HEALED my Ulcerative Colitis NATURALLY | Full Story

a bit more

As the son of an educator queen and a sales guru from good ol’ Milwaukee, WI I was grateful to have a lot of opportunities to enjoy activities and eat many different kinds of food. My lifestyle growing up was “go-go-go” with school, family & friends visits, extracurricular activities, and travel. As a result, most of my meals were quick, easy, and satisfied my hunger. Mac n’ cheese, microwaveable meals, fast food, etc.

I was in high school when I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and started a medical rat race with doctors, drugs, & disappointment over the next 10 years. It wasn’t until about 10 years later that I started doing my own research on food, nutrition, and how it can heal chronic illnesses in combination with a lifestyle change. I teamed up with a coach who healed their own IBD through a plant-based diet and I switched overnight.

Now, years later on a plant-based diet, I am feeling better than ever with a healed digestive system and a wealth of knowledge that I can’t wait to share with others. I am here to learn even more about the WFPB diet, physical health, mental and how I can help guide others towards healing when they need it most!

Jake 3.0

Thirty & Purtty As of 12:01am today, I officially have…

My Story: Part 3

Part 3 New Treatments After I hit my low, I…

My Story: Part 2

Part 2 The Bomb I am officially diagnosed and don’t…

inflamed & unchained


Inflamed and Unchained is a blog site about healing and regaining health for anyone living with any form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Since my diagnosis in 2010, I have been fighting to heal myself as well as strengthen my mind, body, and soul. Everything I have learned and experienced along my journey has culminated into the creation of this site in the hopes of helping someone somewhere find healing insights that I wished I had found years ago.

I hope to showcase that anything is possible- EVEN SELF-HEALING- if only the warrior wishes to take the trip with me. “Do or do not, there is no try.” (Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back 1980)

So, if you’re up for the challenge, dive in, and let’s connect! Everything you find is meant to be a resource for you on your path to recovery and is designed to be utilized at your level of conditioning. From the champion resting in a hospital bed to the bodybuilding champion, this is for you. This is our place.

Join our community of champions who are committed to taking one big crappy situation (pun intended), face it head-on, and send it back to the depths from whence it came! HUZZAH!