Hello there!
My name is Jake and I am an innovative and creative professional on a “Mission from GAHD” (Blues Brothers 1980) to help others heal from IBS & IBD and get their life back.
I am:
- Ulcerative Colitis Champion
- Artist
- World Traveler
- Certified Plant-Based Home Chef
- Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition
- Movie Quote Extraordinaire
a bit more
As the son of an educator queen and a sales guru from good ol’ Milwaukee, WI I was grateful to have a lot of opportunities to enjoy activities and eat many different kinds of food. My lifestyle growing up was “go-go-go” with school, family & friends visits, extracurricular activities, and travel. As a result, most of my meals were quick, easy, and satisfied my hunger. Mac n’ cheese, microwaveable meals, fast food, etc.
I was in high school when I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and started a medical rat race with doctors, drugs, & disappointment over the next 10 years. It wasn’t until about 10 years later that I started doing my own research on food, nutrition, and how it can heal chronic illnesses in combination with a lifestyle change. I teamed up with a coach who healed their own IBD through a plant-based diet and I switched overnight.
Now, years later on a plant-based diet, I am feeling better than ever with a healed digestive system and a wealth of knowledge that I can’t wait to share with others. I am here to learn even more about the WFPB diet, physical health, mental and how I can help guide others towards healing when they need it most!