the light & dark side
of ibd
Struggle & Healing always exist together
Living life with any chronic illness has its ups and downs. However, there are also ways to look at it to say “…now up…is…down..” (POTC: At World’s End 2007). There are drawbacks, absolutely, and also little silver linings that can actually make having this condition an advantage!
You might think I’m crazy and tell yourself that it is:
“Absolutely, totally, and, in all other ways, inconceivable!”
Vizzini, The Princess Bride 1987
The reality is that IBD is what started this whole website. I felt lost, alone, and ignorant of any knowledge or possibility of hope with this condition. Knowing what it is like to live in the dark, I wanted to take on a lead role in showing people the lighter side of things. To be honest, there really is only one quote that can bring this one home…
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times. If only one remembers to turn on the light.”
Dumbledore, HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004
That’s all for now, Ta Ta
The perfect song to melt the world away and float on cloud 9. When I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with it all, I jump on this song and soar far far away. Please enjoy “O (Fly On)” by Coldplay.